Cannot get the mouses correct position

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. The mouses position is not EVEN close to the correct position. Here is my code: local connection = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
    local mousePos = UIS:GetMouseLocation()

     textLabel.Position =, 0, mousePos.Y,0)
     warn(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y)


All variables are defined elsewhere in the script. The mouse position is returning something weird like this: Mouse X: 34, Mouse Y 513.


Try replacing mousePos to PlayerHere:GetMouse()

I’ve already tried that, It ends up with the same result.

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How are you sure that the position is wrong

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I am attempting to move the textlabels position to the mouse but its ending up off the screen because the position X and Y is over 1. Which is off the screen.

Divide X and Y individually with ViewportSize of the camera to get a scale from 1 to 0 (X=X/Camera.ViewportSize.X Y=Y/Camera.ViewportSize.Y)


How do I get the ViewPortSize (Sorry I am not very good with UI)

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You are setting the Position’s Scale X and Y instead of the Offset. The Mouse’s position is based on AbsolutePosition (Offset). You could change it by setting the Position to Offset instead of Scale., mousePos.X, 0, mousePos.Y)

This also works

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Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help!

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