Cannot insert multiple line breaks in a text label?

I have been working on a project but I have a slight issue regarding the text formatting in a text label.
I would like to insert multiple line breaks in a row to skip lines. I already tried various methods such as “\n\n” or formatting string with brackets

local string = [[This is a test message


However in all cases i got this result:

This is a test message

I was aiming for this result:

This is a test message


Does anyone know if there are any ways to format a text correctly or any other approach i could use for this?

Thanks you in advance for the help ! :slight_smile:

I think I either don’t understand or it is just working for me.
When I entered Roblox Studio and wrote this quick code:

local s = [[This is a test message

script.Parent.Text = s

And I got this result:

Is this the effect you are looking for? Because if you are, I don’t really then understand the problem.

Thanks for answering!

I think the problem is that i am using a custom font and multiple line breaks aren’t supported.