Cannot Load AnimationClipProvider Service Issue!

I am recreating the Smite Effect from Please Donate. When i try to clone a rig and animations onto the Animator in the Humanoid, i receive this error “Cannot Load AnimationClipProvider Service”. I have looked through 10+ dev forum posts about this issue and none of them have helped. This is what i have tried:

Re-adding a Humanoid,
Yielding Code between cloning the rig and adding the animations,
Waiting for Character Humanoid in workspace,
Different Animations,
Different Animation Links.

I have spent 5+ Hours on this issue and its killing me.
Does anyone have any answers?
This is how it should look EVERY time i execute the code.

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Can you guys already remember, this is #help-and-feedback:scripting-support you should ALWAYS provide your script when you’re asking for help

The script itself is fine, ive been making combat for years with animation. Ive tested it with other rigs in a combat script and they behave perfectly fine. I will go ahead and send the script though.

local SmiteDummyClone = SmiteDummy:Clone()
		SmiteDummy.Parent = workspace
		local LiftHammer = SmiteDummyClone.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(SmiteAnimations:WaitForChild("Lift"))
		local ThrowHammer = SmiteDummyClone.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(SmiteAnimations:WaitForChild("Throw"))

^ This is what causes the error.

local SmiteDummyClone = SmiteDummy
		SmiteDummy.Parent = workspace
		local LiftHammer = SmiteDummyClone.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(SmiteAnimations:WaitForChild("Lift"))
		local ThrowHammer = SmiteDummyClone.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(SmiteAnimations:WaitForChild("Throw"))

^ This doesn’t

I’m just now having the same issue. My old animations will work, however, the new ones that I create won’t do anything, so I also think it’s on Roblox’s end. I know this post is old, but if you have any solutions to this please do let me know!

Hey, @VisuallyFX, this post might be able to help you if you’re still having issues.

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