Cannot open any places after studio update

Reproduction Steps
Try opening a team create place in studio, it will show this error

Expected Behavior
Connect to the game without an error

Actual Behavior
The error provided above (must be 30 characters)

No this is critical. We just launched a new game and now we can’t hotfix it.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-18 14:02:00 (-08:00)


Same here, I’m getting the same problem.

Even restarting my device didn’t work.


Can confirm
I also can’t publish a place, but I get this error instead:


Now resolved. Some kind of outage?

Thanks for the report, we saw a blip in errors on team create joins just then.

Team is looking into the root cause, for now this appears largely resolved, please let us know if you see different!


I was also getting that, tried logging out & back in, restarting Studio. Nothing worked.

EDIT: Just opened Studio to try again, and it works now!

As the original issue in this thread was resolved yesterday, I will go ahead and lock this now. Thanks for the original report! Please file a new bug report if you see similar issues in the future.

Note also that if we have acknowledged an on-going outage (see banner at top of devforum), it is not necessary to file a bug report, as we are already aware and investigating.

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