Cannot open monetization or permission pages in game settings

Reproduction Steps

To reproduce:

  • Create/edit a game
  • Enable team create
  • Go to game settings
  • Attempt to open monetization or permissions

Expected Behavior

I expect these pages to open as normal, like this:

Actual Behavior

A very long loading screen appears instead, followed by an error saying it was “unable to reach server”

Screenshot 2022-06-18 182624

This prevents me from accessing a system to monetize my experience.


This issue only occurs on games with team create enabled. However, this cannot be disabled since the permissions tab also does not work, meaning there is no workaround.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


Update, this is still an issue as of 6/19. I cannot monetize any of my studio’s games during this time.

This is preventing me from making any updates to my game as they all are monetization-based updates.

This is the screen I get after a 5-minute-ish loading time:


The error is different from what it was yesterday, but still is an error nonetheless.

Switching to the group’s owner account did not fix the issue.


Sorry for the late reply. Is this still an issue for your?

No, this is not an issue anymore.

Have there been any reported issues of people not able to see/edit Roles under Game Settings → Permissions? In my Experience this is happening suddenly.

I’m currently having the same problem. Is there a solution yet? I can’t add people to team create because in the permissions tab theres only the Playability section, but no add tester or developer section.

Not sure if this will help you, but look over this discussion as well: Studio Game Settings Permissions tab never loads for some experiences - #9 by OurPub

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hi im currently experiencing the same problem with my game, i cant open perimission page or collaboration settings, could u explain how did u fix it pls?

It fixed itself, really. I wish I could be more helpful.

oh i woke up today and it fixed itself, i spent whole day yesterday restoring players data, i feel confused