Cannot publish animations. HTTP ERROR: 500

I wasn’t sure where to ask for assistance due to this issue, and other mentions of this problem seemed to be solved by changing the title of the animation. This is not the case for me. I’ve restarted my computer, restarted studio, and do not know what else to do. I’d appreciate some insight.

Have you uploaded multiple animations in a short-time? Sometimes when I’m working on and publishing rapid fire animations, I get this error, although it could be just a correlation. Maybe try just waiting a bit to animate it. It might also just not be able to render it as of right now for some odd Roblox reason, as an HTTP 500 error just means when it is unable to fulfil a request

I’ve been having the same problem too!

I’ve waited a day. I still have the error

Report this as a bug in this case, since I assume it has something to do with roblox’s uploading service.

I will. This error has been annoying me the past day.

I’ve been experiencing this too today. From my limited research, the solution appears to be waiting until Roblox fixes it.

We can’t help with your script if you haven’t posted the code that’s breaking

There is no script. I looked for the correct category to publish this bug under, and I couldn’t find it. This is an error on Roblox’ end.