Help; HTTP error 500 when publishing animation

I keep getting this error no matter the name of the animation I’m uploading

It’s usually the name that’s inappropriate, but in this case apparently not?


Same thing is happening to me, I think Roblox is just doing something.


error 500 is tagged as internal server error in web development, not much you can do about this


Aw jeez not again…


Roblox publishing is currently down at the moment. Same happens with trying to publish a game for me


Just like what @theworldis_socruel said, the “500” HTTP error means that an error has occurred inside the server. The only thing you could do is either:

  • Restart Roblox Studio
  • Restart your router
  • Wait for a fix

If I’m wrong, feel free to correct me!

I’ll try these if it’s a coincidence between us all. somehow…

I’ve actually noticed that it says “union” instead of animation! Maybe a studio bug and not server/web bug?

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Go ahead and mark off Restart Roblox Studio and Router, I’ve already tried that lol (:P)

Yeah, as said higher up, 500 is an internal server error, that means it goes wrong in between roblox finishing the process and roblox receiving your request

I can’t publish place either without having the publish failed in output.

Yep, I know sorry if I look confusing. I’ve been reading what you’ve said.

I just submitted my animation, seems to be working again!


The servers are up again! Yay!!!


Here’s some info for it to confirm.


Bumping because the exact same thing is happening again. I can’t upload anything, parts, animations, unions, or models. And I get the same exact “Failed to upload union. Exceeded limit. Try again in a few minutes.” even when it’s not a union I’m trying to upload. My friends can do it fine for some reason.

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Seems like this is occasional now, since roblox is adding new stuff. Wait about 30 minutes and it should start working again

The exact same thing happened to me a few days ago too.

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One day later, still a problem. So it’s just something wrong on Roblox’s side?

Maybe. If it persists then you should probably contact support and see what the bots say.

Maaaan, sites completely funky right now

And tons of this

And also this

… did i mention this

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Yeah, I’m gettin’ the error again…
Screenshot 2021-12-13 190610

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