game:GetService('MessagingService'):PublishAsync('Global_chat', {
MessageFont = 'FredokaOne',
Prefix = 'Global',
PrefixColor = Color3.fromRGB(100, 255, 255),
MessagesTexts = {
Text = "test",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(100, 255, 255)
Text = "test",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(100, 255, 255),
-- Replaced arguments to Test.
-- Version 147 (Actual)
Throws error:
But it was worked before.
Old code:
-- From version 129 (147 is actual)
-- pInfo is another data, lazy to change.
game:GetService('MessagingService'):PublishAsync('Global_chat', {
MessageFont = 'FredokaOne',
Prefix = 'Global',
PrefixColor = {
Type = 'rgb',
Color = '100, 255, 255'
MessagesTexts = {
Text = pInfo[1]["DisplayName"],
Color = {
Type = 'rgb',
Color = '100, 255, 255'
Bold = true,
Italic = false,
Strike = false,
Underline = false
Text = 'Bought a <b>coffee</b> to developer! Thank you, '..pInfo[1]["DisplayName"]..'!',
Color = {
Type = 'rgb',
Color = '100, 255, 255'
Bold = false,
Italic = false,
Strike = false,
Underline = false