Cannot Re-Upload Broken DevProduct Image: "The request was malformed. Please see the network tab for more details"

I noticed my recently created developer product had an image which was not showing up, so I decided to try and upload the image again:

However upon doing so, I ran into the following error after selecting the image for upload and clicking “save”:

Expected behavior

I expected the image to successfully upload without an error, and for it become the image for said devproduct.

Page URL:

NOTE: It only happens with this specific product. I was able to update the images for other products under the same experience.

The product might be bugged - this happens quite often with dev products, unfortunately.

Can you check your console and take a screenshot of any red text? It’ll help engineers diagnose the issue. You can press Ctrl + Shift + I to access it.

Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.