(Don’t worry, Billy’s not in trouble! They’re just volunteering as an example for this thread!)
When you try to report any bundle, either a character or dynamic head, the Report Item button does not show up.
- Visit the Marketplace
- Go to the page of a user-made bundle
- Click the three dots to the right of the bundle’s name
- There is no Report Abuse button.
- Visit the Marketplace
- Search for a user-made bundle, and preview it on your avatar
- Click the three circled dots around the bottom left of your avatar preview, next to the purchase button
- There is no ⚑ Report button.
It makes sense why it isn’t there, considering user-made bundles are a very recent thing. As a workaround, you can open up the pages for the individual items inside the bundle and report those, but that might not work if the offending context involves multiple pieces of the bundle combined.