This is also happening to me a lot it happens whenever I try to apply edits to a script
Yeah, probably a good decision to just wait it out; don’t want to lose any data in vain.
I’ve been getting errors that are all over the map… 404, 500, 502, etc… from all aspects of Studio. I had problems logging into the forums a little while ago. So they are having some kind of outage.
Yes I cannot open Roblox studio, I get an error message.
Edit: I tried studio on Mac, and it actually works fine.
cough burrito cough
Specifically what I was referring to.
Does this still happen after restarting Studio completely?
If it’s still happening, can you provide the specific feature that is failing (screenshot helps) and DM your logs to the bug report group?
I have to go into the game then stop the game for them to be published and press retry twice
Thank you all for your patience. Our engineering team has resolved the issue.
@MetatableIndex If you experience any new issues please let us know.
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