Cannot save my game to roblox: Internal Server Error

Hello! I’ve been reworking my entire game code, models and etc to make it way more polished and smoother but i’m having an huge issue recently for now a few weeks: I’m unable to save nor publish a certain place to roblox which causes me to be stuck on a local file

I have no idea how to fix that in any way and this is starting to really stress me out.
The file size is only 15mb (yes i do mean mb, not gb) yet i’m still not able to save it or other, and i found out that i’m only able to send it when i just delete everything inside my game which is well not really something that i can do.

At my grandparents house (where the wifi is way faster) i can publish/save my game with no troubles

My wifi is extremely slow since i kinda live in the middle of nowhere (it is literally 0.02mb/s of upload and 2mb/s for downloading) and i’m pretty sure it is the root cause of my problems, i assume there is a sort of timeout time that after a certain moment if the place wasn’t fully saved it will just return an error about the place failling to save

Is there any option left for me or i should just well give up working on my game because i’m unable to get an faster wifi due to where i live, and i can only go at my grandparents house during holidays.

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Your best option is to use tethering, that is if you have a cellular device.

Well if that is the only option left… it isn’t a choice either because it is as slow as my wifi where i am