Cannot see the scene of my game?

Hello! I noticed that the place tab has disappeared and I really need it to edit the scene of my game. I am not sure if this is right category to put it in and I don’t have Regular level privileges so this could be the closest category, I’ve been developing for many years until this issue happened. This has occurred once the studio refresh rolled out to me. Is there a way to fix this?


Places should still be under the Asset Manager.

I tried using the Asset Manager but the viewport still appears like this.


Could this be a bug?

I see two places… Fur Workshop and cherrythetre…117.

Are these not your places?

Edit: i got confused on your wording… you mean the main viewport that you edit your world in? What happens when you double click on Fur Workshop?

If nothing, then try reinstalling studio.

Yes I meant the viewport that you edit the workspace in. I’ve reinstalled studio, resetting my settings, restarting my PC, and checking if my drivers are updated but there seems to be no help.

Did you have two monitors connected to your PC?

Thats the only other thing i can think of… otherwise yeah seems like bug.

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Try this:

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I’m not sure if this is related to the issue that I am experiencing, since it’s more or less about the viewport tab. Thanks for the help although!

I thought maybe you could click and drag the Place icon to the center of your screen it might populate the frame with the place.

Thanks for the help although I was actually able to fix the issue by uninstalling all Roblox Studio files and installing it again. The issue was the viewport window being separated and hidden from my PC (and there is no way to return it)

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I ran into this issue but I was able to fix it without having to re-install Roblox Studio.

  • Press Cmd+P to bring up Quick Open
  • Type in “> Reset View” (or a portion of that and navigate with arrow keys)
  • Press Enter
  • View Resets

You’ll lose your saved view layout unfortunately but hey it’ll fix the problem.



holy what an actual brain damage stupid design whoever made it that the tab just gone and uh oh trynna find me buddy and u wasted load of times and now u pissed off, i hope the human who designed this … nvm