Cannot select value in table without selecting comma

Reproduction Steps

Currently when you double click + drag to select text, it will select entire words rather than only characters up to the mouse position. This makes it quicker to select text without having to be as accurate with the mouse.

When using this functionality in a table where the end character is ) or " and a comma is at the end of the value, studio will select one character short of the desired selection leaving out the ) or ", or it will also select the comma which in this case is not the desired behavior

Expected Behavior

For studio to select the entire value in the table without also selecting the comma at the end, so the value can quickly be replaced with whatever has been copied to the clipboard without having to retype the comma


Actual Behavior

Studio will either select Color.fromRGB(0, 0, 0 without the closing bracket at the end, or it will select the entire value + the comma.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


Thank you for reporting this.

This is as designed: a sped up selection mode. To select with more granularity, the keyboard can be used: the shift and right / left arrow keys will allow you to select the quotes, and parentheses.

Changing this behavior would make it harder to use Studio for people who take advantage of this behavior.