Cannot Set Maximum Limit on Size of Auto-scaling ScrollingFrame

I have created a ScrollingFrame that is set to automatically scale on the X and Y axis. I would like to set it so that this ScrollingFrame cannot be a size on the Y axis larger than a value I have set. I have applied a UISizeConstraint to attempt to limit the size of this ScrollingFrame, but it has no effect. The ScrollingFrame will still scale larger than the maximum value I specify in my UISizeConstraint with auto-scaling turned on. The UISizeConstraint will only affect my ScrollingFrame if I turn off auto-scaling. How do I fix this?

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I’m not sure a direct solution, but you can put a frame inside of that frame and turn on AutomaticSize, and from there add a size constraint. This will limit your size indirectly but will also keep the scrolling frame’s size limited.


unfortunately this yields the same results as auto-scaling and adding the size constraint on the scrollingframe directly, maybe AutomaticSize ignores UISizeconstraint?

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This sounds like a bug to me. What I meant is the child frame is scaled to be (1, 1), and you put a size constraint on it. It is parented to another frame that has automatic size.

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wouldn’t that be the same as setting the size of the child frame directly? when I try this solution the scrollingframe never changes in size, since the child frame never changes in size

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