Cannot sort places on the Creator Dashboard

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to see the places in my experience well. At present there’s a unknown fixed sorting order, likely by date of addition to the experience. This leads to a bad creator experience in trying to find the places I want to modify quickly.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I can more clearly see the place order chronologically according to my naming convention and not to an arbitrary unknown ordering that doesn’t help me find what I need fast.

Mainly looking for an alphanumerical ordering option. My naming schema is “[TEST] [0-0] PLACE_NAME”. “[TEST]” is an optional prefix for prerelease testing environments, “[0-0]” is a hierarchical number of the place and PLACE_NAME is an alias. This naming convention helps me find what I need quickly with the Asset Manager in Roblox Studio as it lists places alphanumerically but the Places tab in the Experience Configuration on the Creator Dashboard does not.


It would also be nice if studio had these features integrated. Roblox should choose studio or the creator dashboard, but instead, stuff is just scattered across the develop page, the creator dashboard, and Roblox Studio. It makes it difficult to not only find places but to find out where to add a badge to them or other actions.