Right now im trying to save most of a parts property but I am getting an error with Cannot store Dictionary in data store, why? I don’t know maybe I’m missing something in the table that makes it non saveable. Ive tried on other posts to see if i were missing something but I should be able to store values, strings, numbers right?
["Index"] = ▼ {
[1] = ▼ {
["Anchored"] = false,
["Archivable"] = true,
["BrickColor"] = "Medium stone grey",
["CanCollide"] = true,
["CanTouch"] = true,
["CastShadow"] = true,
["CollisionGroupId"] = 0,
["Color"] = 0.639216, 0.635294, 0.647059,
["Locked"] = false,
["Massless"] = false,
["Material"] = "Enum.Material.Plastic",
["Name"] = "Part",
["Orientation"] = 0, 0, 0,
["Position"] = -0.999022484, 1.49560118, -1.00097752,
["Reflectance"] = 0,
["RootPriority"] = 0,
["Shape"] = "Enum.PartType.Block",
["Size"] = 4, 1, 2,
["Transparency"] = 0,
["Type"] = "Part"
["Name"] = "TestSave"