Some background
I'm currently working on a project that allow players to create games in older time periods of Roblox (Much like RetroStudio).To store the user generated games without making new keys for the values, I use [BitBuffer]( (Not to be confused with )
The main problem I currently have is the way I store the information, it being DataStores.BitBuffer doesn't output UTF-8 characters. DataStores only accepts UTF-8 characters.
Resulting in a rather, unfavourable state right now. Being that I can't save data without using HTTPService and a Server.
Code and Images
The BitBuffer module: BitBuffer
DataHandler module:
-- We don't need too much bytes for game information!
-- Just cut it down!
local BitBuffer = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BitBuffer"))
local BOOL_TO_BIT = { [true] = 1, [false] = 0 }
local BIT_TO_BOOL = { [1] = true, [0] = false }
local DataHandler = {}
DataHandler.Store = function(AllowCustomAvatars, IsSpecial, Name, Version, DataStoreBuffer, DataStoreBufferName)
local Buffer = BitBuffer()
local Output = Buffer.dumpString()
DataStoreBuffer:SetAsync(DataStoreBufferName, Output)
return Output
DataHandler.Restore = function(DataStoreBuffer, DataStoreBufferName, FileContents)
if not FileContents then
print("Global restoring mode.")
FileContents = DataStoreBuffer:GetAsync(DataStoreBufferName)
print("Local restoring mode.")
warn("WARNING: Your DATA won't save! This is because we're in local restoring mode.")
local Buffer = BitBuffer(FileContents)
local data = {}
data.AllowCustomAvatars = BIT_TO_BOOL[Buffer:readInt8()]
data.IsSpecial = BIT_TO_BOOL[Buffer:readInt8()]
data.Name = Buffer:readString()
data.Version = Buffer:readInt16()
return data
return DataHandler
Testing script:
-- Testing!!!!
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Game = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Game")
local HandlerFolder = Game:WaitForChild("Handler")
local DataHandler = require(HandlerFolder:WaitForChild("DataHandler"))
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStoreBuffer = DataStore:GetDataStore("CVENV_Game")
local FileStuff = DataHandler.Store(true, true, "random", math.random(0000, 3000), DataStoreBuffer, plr.Name)
wait(7) -- Yes I know, but I need the delay
print(DataHandler.Restore(DataStoreBuffer, plr.Name))
Game folder image:
Error message image: