Cannot Submit the Roblox Support Form

I was trying to appeal my recent ban, and I noticed some strange behavior. The first signs was these incredibly long captchas, that I did multiple times, it has a chance of failing even if you do everything right. The rock one can go up to 10 too.


Every time I were to complete one of these captchas, I got this popup
and my appeal wouldn’t go through. This happened every single time. I tried submitting an appeal while logged into the account, logged out of the account, in an Incognito Tab, with all extensions disabled, and emailing manually (did not get a response)

I kept trying to appeal and refreshing, and one of the times this happened, and the form wasn’t even there.

I was able to successfully submit an appeal when I appealed on a phone, and got a normal, easy, one attempt required captcha. I don’t know the steps to reproduce it or if this even is happening for anyone else, so just try and see if you can submit appeals on pc,

The problem persists when using Report User Breaking Rules, I was scammed, and I’m assuming everything else in the support form.

Expected behavior

The captcha completed screen pops up, and I recieve an automated e-mail from support telling me my appeal went through.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate and follow up with updates.