Cannot tween a welded model

I’ve seen many posts related to this same issue and yet their solutions are not working on my end.

Basically, I have a model consisting of many parts, and all these parts are welded to each other and unanchored, then welded to an anchored main part which then has its position tweened.

All the solutions suggested that the welded parts should be unanchored and then welded to an anchored part which will be tweened, however, this is not working for me. The main part moves normally, yet the other parts are left behind.

How can I get this to work? I just want the model and its parts to be moved alongside the tweened main part.

This is my code:

local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")
local bus = script.Parent
local route = workspace.BusRoute

local destination = 0

local function drive()
	local target = route:FindFirstChild(destination).CFrame
	local goal = {}
	goal.CFrame = target
	local traveltime = (bus.PivotPart.Position - route:FindFirstChild(destination).Position).Magnitude / 50
	local tweenInfo =
	local tween = tweenservice:Create(bus.PivotPart, tweenInfo, goal)


Do you have any errors in the output while running the script?

No, not at all. The tweening works just fine, it’s just the model that won’t move alongside the tweened block.

Did you check if every part of the model are currently unanchored?

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Yes. I decided to use a different weld script now, but this weld script I’m using is keeping the PrimaryPart of the model anchored. I’ll try replacing the primary part with the tweened part. I’ll come back with results should it work.

It worked. Ultimately the problem was the welding process. Thank you.

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