Cannot Upload Audio to a Group

I have 3 audio files that I’m trying to upload to a group. However, every time I try to upload the files, I get an error saying “You can’t upload that type of content!”

I’ve tried both .ogg and .mp3 and neither of them work. The largest file is 33KB, so size isn’t the issue. I also managed to upload them to my own inventory so it’s most likely a group only issue.

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It would probably help the staff if you included a link to your group, the assets that you were able to your account, and the raw audio files that couldn’t be uploaded to the group here (you can PM them upon request if you don’t want to attach them here)

I’m having this problem as well.


Works just find uploading it to your account, it just doesn’t work for a group.

Alright, I just tried uploading audio to this group (I’m the owner) and it failed. @Raeglyn I imagine if this many groups can’t upload a variety of audio files, group audio uploading is broken right now and it’s not an isolated incident. I uploaded two pieces of audio to the group before last November, so I know for a fact that I used to be able to upload audio to this group.

[quote=“EchoReaper, post:4, topic:22.88, full:true”]I uploaded two pieces of audio to the group before last November, so I know for a fact that I used to be able to upload audio to this group.

My group has an audio file uploaded from January 13th, so it must have broke sometime in the last month.

Ahhhh sorry for the communication fail - we temporarily turned off group upload of audio and video, because there was a bug that made those assets skip moderation… and a user was exploiting that.

I expect we’ll have the fix out tomorrow. Sorry for the confusion!

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Upload of group audio and video thumbnails should be back on - let me know if there are any issues. (Thanks for your patience!)