Cannot upload images "Upload failed. Make sure what you're uploading is an image."

When I go to upload an image it says “Upload failed. Make sure what you’re uploading is an image.”
I’ve tried renaming it, re-exporting from PSD, and set extra space on the texture to white. It still fails to upload.
I rebooted studio and had someone else try, we all get the same errors.
I think the service is down, can it be fixed? Thanks

 21:17:30.630  Connecting to server...  -  Studio
  21:17:35.454  You have connected to the server.  -  Studio
  21:18:10.813   ▶ Upload failed. Make sure what you're uploading is an image. (x9)  -  Studio
  21:21:37.651  Upload failed. Make sure what you're uploading is an image.  -  Studio
  21:24:00.307  Upload Texture failed. Status Code: 500  -  Studio
  21:24:25.345  Upload failed. Make sure what you're uploading is an image.  -  Studio

Having the same issue and error right now as well. Was working fine a few hours ago but I cannot upload any images or meshes anymore. I also get a really weird error when importing a mesh:

" 'e: Upload failed. Please try again. If the issue persists, please let us know by fil
'e: Upload failed. Please try again. If the issue persists, please let us know by fil "

Same issue is happening to me. Hope it’s resolved soon!

Exact same issue I just solved it by uploading a decal using the website (and wating for it to load/monetise/configure/or whatever the waiting is for)

Our team is currently investigating this issue and will keep you updated on our progress.

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Our team has resolved this issue. You should now be able to upload images via studio.


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