First Occurred: 4/21/2024
Last Occurred: 4/21/2024
Whenever I have tried to upload audio assets on the Roblox Creator Dashboard, I have been unsuccessful, receiving the following error for uploading an mp3 file:
Asset creation failed. Please try again later.
(However, I have not received this error using the Roblox Asset Manager for my experience and using the bulk upload feature for uploading one mp3.)
I am not sure if I should upload the audio once more because it appears to be marked as copyrighted in Roblox’s copyright database.
I uploaded a different audio (“Yet Again”) successfully (which I will attach to the private message) .
I was successful at uploading the original audio (“Negative2”) through Roblox Studio’s asset manager, though I got a message stating that it went against Roblox TOS:
I was using GarageBand loops in the track, which may have been registered as copyrighted in the system.
I have a few questions:
Should I be able to upload audio files with GarageBand loops? It seems that most of my GarageBand files are moderated in Roblox’s copyright database.
If I upload the file again, will it go against my moderation history?
If GarageBand loops are blocked under the current intellectual property database, and they are royalty-free, could you help me unblock the audio?
This is the Audio ID to the new and old uploads:
Old - “Audio/Negative2” → Using GarageBand loops, registered as copyrighted → 17248531330
New - “Yet Again” → Using BandLab AI song generator → 17257733698 (NOT registered as copyrighted for now)
Thanks for creating a new topic for the other bug report. To answer your questions:
If other artists have uploaded songs with GarageBand loops and protected them then we will detect that loop and take down the audio. In your case with Negative2 there was a 50 second match with another song that presumably used the same loop.
If you upload the song again it will not count towards any account suspensions (this may change in the future)
I’ll address this in the other topic you linked once I get some more information