Cannot upload ogg audio files

Open the Asset Manager and try to upload an ogg audio file, the file will fail to upload

This issue also affects the upload tool on the website.

Expected behavior

To be able to upload an ogg file and have it work properly

Weirdly, renaming the file to mp3 will make the upload successful and still work like an ogg file


Your best bet is to convert it to MP3 and upload it, I always use MP3’s because OGG’s hate my laptop

Before you reply to me with “ReAd tHe pOsT NeXt tImE”, I put that before he edited the post to contain this:

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mp3 has looping artefacts (most notable being a silent gap), which is why I always use ogg on Roblox, which doesn’t have the silent gap

also audacity if you’re having problems with ogg files


After uploading a file as an MP3, Roblox converts it back into an OGG, but its method of conversion kills the audio quality.

This is clearly an issue as OGG files are not converted back into MP3s and therefore do not lose nearly as much quality.

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Use Chrome for uploading, Firefox and Opera is broken


Hey metatablecatmaid, it’s surprising that just renaming the file to .mp3 would cause the upload to succeed – is that the case both via studio & the web?

Ogg is a container format that can hold a variety of different codecs – of these, the audio engine expects ogg-vorbis. It might be that the file extension is .ogg, but the codec that the file is using is non-vorbis :thinking:

If you check the file in ffmpeg or ffprobe, e.x.

ffmpeg -i Path/To/Your/File.ogg -f null /dev/null

you should get a list of streams with formatting information – for one of my files, I get

Stream #0:0: Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 410 kb/s

does this match roughly what you are seeing?

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I just had this issue as well. Luckily, thanks to @ReallyLongArms’ response, I got the idea to import my ogg into Audacity and export it, where I could specify it as an Ogg Vorbis. The resulting sound successfully was uploaded. I suggest doing the same if this happens again.

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Odd, I’ve exported all my audio from Audacity before now and just left it on the default settings which I assume is Vorbis

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Ogg supports wrapping a variety of codecs – Audacity might be choosing something like opus or flac, which are totally legitimate formats, but the audio engine doesn’t support them at this time.

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MP3 also has compression. OGG has compression, but it’s not as bad.

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My audacity is configured to use Vorbis already, so I feel like its a different issue (the audio played in-engine as a local asset), let me generate a sample audio that also fails with an upload

Here’s a sample that also fails on upload, encoded with Vorbis

…that works as a local asset in Studio

i was hoping it didn’t embed


Interesting; this file looks fine according to the audio engine :thinking:

I tried uploading it on my end, and it actually seems to work, but I noticed that it took significantly longer for the file to become “ready to use” when uploaded with an .ogg extension than the version that was uploaded with a .mp3 extension.

The mp3 file extension was processed immediately, whereas the ogg file required refreshing for a couple minutes before the length got populated and the file became usable in studio.

Does this match the behavior you are seeing, or did the .ogg file never get processed?


It just fails with “Wrong Format” when I attempt to add it to the upload tool


Does the same thing happen using the AssetManager in studio? This may be a bug with the web upload’s format parsing



Looks like the upload worked as intended, so I feel this can be changed to a website bug


Ok; I’ll follow up with folks on the web side to see why this is happening


I have run into this issue as well, what’s going on?

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Genuinely any updates to ogg supporting on the website? Its been forever and I could really use it as audios downloaded from the Marketplace auto to ogg and can’t be re-uploaded without conversion. I don’t see why many aren’t on this issue as its really a struggle when you’ve got tons of audios to upload.


I am discussing with folks who maintain the website – for the time being, uploading through studio might be the best viable workaround, but we are looking to get this fixed

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Hey all; the team pushed an update that should address this – ogg-vorbis files should be uploadable via the web now