Cannot Upload UGC - "Unexpected Descendants"

What do you want to achieve? - I want to upload this accessory as UGC.

What is the issue? - I cannot upload it due to there being multiple meshes, however I cannot merge the meshes as the hair has to be DoubleSided or else it looks weird. Plus, the textures seem to stop working.

What solutions have you tried so far? - I tried looking everywhere for a solution, such as merging the meshes into an .obj, but then the hair started looking weird again and the textures didn’t load in properly.

Hey! So I just spent some time making this accessory, but when I try to upload it I get an error stating that there are “Unexpected Descendants”. I know what this means, however I have tried merging the meshes together and either the textures don’t load correctly, the hair looks weird, or both. I know that the hair has to be double-sided in order to look correct. Is there any way of being able to upload this, or will I just have to restart completely? This is my first time 3D modeling so I have no clue. Please let me know, thank you!

Attached are some pictures.
Screenshot 2024-04-15 230908
Screenshot 2024-04-15 230920
Screenshot 2024-04-15 230928

You can make double sided meshes in blender. You duplicate the mesh, flip the normals of one mesh, and join them.

Are you creating this mesh in Studio?

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Ah ok, so that solves that issue with the hair.

I am making the mesh in blender, and importing it into studio via a .fbx format.
The issue I’m having now is when I import it as one mesh (after I join multiple meshes together) only one texture is applied when it is imported and it doesn’t look right.
Screenshot 2024-04-17 223436

Any solutions for that? Thank you for the help so far. :slight_smile:

Your ugc can only have 1 texture at a time. You will have to limit the model to one texture and fit all of the uv maps into a square. Like this! You can optimize the model a lot more by using as little space as possible between each island, but for a model this simple it doesn’t matter as much.

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Oh ok, that makes sense. Now how do I map each texture to a certain part of the model like you did? Thanks again! :smiley:

Alright so I did it all in one texture, but when I imported it, it looked like this?
I even tried baking it and it still didn’t work.

Your mesh has too many triangles and too many uv islands. It needs to be more efficient to fix these issues. Try to use the appropriate amount of triangles and uv islands for your model. Here is an example of an efficient model

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How did you have only one UV mapping for two eyes? Thanks for the help

Create only one eye. Uv map the one eye. After the one eye is uv mapped, mirror it. The mirrored eye will also have the uv map.

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Hey @BlazeSword2008! How are you feeling today?

To upload a UGC accessory that you made, you need to have only one Mesh created in 3D software applications like Blender or Autodesk Maya and have only one texture for the asset. This is a mandatory rule that everyone is required to follow. Feel free to check out the Roblox Creator Documentation for more details if you would like:

In regards to creating a UV map for the eyes, you need to follow the same scope as @RZKU provided! Create one eye for the mesh, then use the modifier “Mirror” to create another eye on the other side of the asset.

Hope this can help you out!

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Alright, thanks for all the help guys! Just one more question, how would i make hair like i did in the photo then without too many triangles? I was using NerbCurves before.

Thank you to both of you for helping me out, I ended up learning a lot. :slight_smile:

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