Cannot use hotkeys to ungroup/group, union/ununion, negate/unnegate

I don’t want to make a video on it because it won’t show properly and it will look like I’m just sitting still.

For me at-least (Idk if it’s a twilight zone problem or not but most likely is because no one else has posted on it or complained):
When trying to group or ungroup a model and it’s not selected a certain way, it will NOT group or ungroup.
The same thing for baseparts/unions/negative parts, they will NOT do their key shortcut operation unless they are selected a certain way (but they will still do it by right clicking and selecting the option however).

It’s been happening for weeks now but I didn’t want to complain just yet but it’s getting too annoying especially since I’m building a huge map.

[System Information]:
CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7 - 1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
Memory: 16GB
GPU: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Expected behavior

What is supposed to happen is that when trying to press CTRL+G or CTRL+U (for models) that it ungroups without having to press ESC or de-select or whatever and re-selecting it.

What is supposed to happen with unions is that when pressing CTRL+Shift+G it is supposed to union the selected parts, and when pressing CTRL+Shift+U it is supposed to un-union, no matter the way it was selected.

It’s very hard to explain and I’m not really good at explaining things at all but I keep saying “way it was selected” and “certain way” because when the problem happens my key inputs are seemingly disregarded. How I sorta fix is If It’s a model then I use the arrow keys to select another model and go back to the model to ungroup. The model has to be right above or below the other one, and if a BasePart is selected in-between the models it won’t work. The same thing for unions, if there is a model or something in-between the union it won’t work and the bug/glitch will happen.

The best way I can explain the confusing problem in short terms is: It is as if the selecting process is 1 behind the real selection, and when trying to ungroup a model (and you selected a basepart before it) it treats the model as if it’s a BasePart (but it does not union the model if you try unioning).

Not sure if this information helps: I use arrow keys also to select different things frequently.

PLEASE fix this annoying issue as it severely affects my quick work flow to have to CONSTANTLY fight with the selection to ungroup, group, negate, union, ununion, un-negate, and ETC just about every time. I may make a video showing my key inputs and my work-arounds, but It’s a waste of time when I’m trying to build something.


Took the time to painstakingly find and dodge virus programs because it’s nearly impossible to find a keystroke visualizer to show such a simple thing, this is the best I can do.

I wouldn’t have recorded and shown keypresses but I was required to when as soon as I got done posting this time consuming message about this completely inconvenient problem it happened again. Literally right after posting.

try checking studio settings and reset if you don’t mind

I have changed a-lot of settings and it would take even more time to take pictures of all of them and re-set them, plus this is a bug and has nothing to do with settings as far as I know. It never happened until a few weeks ago, it’s been happening non-stop.

This is also the case for me
Every time I open Roblox Studio it wouldn’t let me ungroup a model or folder using shortcuts unless I use the option from right clicking to open the dropdown actions first

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It’s such a stupid problem that is so easy to fix!!!

I would have declared this an official twilight zone problem if it wasn’t for Thunder’s reply. I opened up a new baseplate template and tried repeating it fresh, and sure enough it did it again and again. It has to do with Unions and Models for some odd odd odd reason.

Take a look.

A freshly opened baseplate with a freshly inserted part and a freshly created negative to union the two, grouping it and selecting the model and union to try to un-union, freshly causing this insane problem. I cannot express how much this little problem is hindering my work flow.

Also, in another video that was unfortunately too big to upload, I inserted a part beside the union in the same model and apparently anything other than another union/negative part causes the same problem (and acts the same way the model selecting does when selecting a union right after).

This is STILL happening. No one else is experiencing this?!

Yeeeeeeep still happening. Every time I come back anticipating a long needed response, nothing but crickets. And I don’t like crickets.

Been having the same issue all day! I thought it was my keyboard at first, but turns out other people are having the same problem.

Let’s hope Roblox fixes this bug soon!

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I’ve been experiencing a similar if not same issue, except it’s with ALL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS, default and custom shortcuts included.

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

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And thanks Roblox!

It’s been 2 weeks and it’s still happening, any updates??

This is probably by far the most annoying problems I have ever experienced while building. And so very prolonged.

HOW is NO ONE ELSE experiencing this?!

I am also experiencing this, just bothered me enough by now to investigate further; thought it would’ve been patched.

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I’m experiencing this, but a different scenario. For me my Ctrl+N, and Ctrl+H keys are basically disabled while I have a script opened and selected. Another friend of mine told me he had a similar issue with some hotkeys not working. So I think this is happening for a lot of people, it’s just different for some.

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I have the same Problem i spam Ctrl + U but not ungroup and then i click another model and click to my model that want to ungroup, i press Ctrl+U it works.
Sometime it happens also when i copy and paste a part or model from a game to another game.

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I see exactly what you are talking about now, so not only did Roblox not fix but they made it worse. I just tried to paste an Instance into the explorer while I was inside of the script and it did not work. I tried pressing CTRL+N, didn’t work either. This is beyond stressful.

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