Canopy Hotels
Punishment Guide
Trainees are not being able to get suspended.! Trainees are to be demoted after reaching 3 warnings!
LR’s - SHR’s are suspend able!
Lack of grammar & Unprofessionalism
LR = 3 verbal warnings. - Afterwards Demotion.
MR = 3-4 days suspension.
HR = 4- 6 days suspension.
SHR’s are not required to use grammar!
Admin Abuse
Minor Admin Abuse:
LR = N/A.
MR = 3-6 days suspension.
HR = 4-8 days suspension.
Major Admin Abuse:
LR = N/A
MR = 7-12 days suspension or demotion to HG.
HR = 8- 14 days suspension or demotion to HG.
Disrespect & Trolling
LR = 3-4 days suspension or demotion.
MR = 4-5 days suspension.
HR = 5-6 days suspension.
LR = 2-3 days suspension.
MR = 3-5 days suspension.
HR = 4-6 days suspension.
Detain Abuse
LR = Demotion.
MR = 3-6 days or demotion to LR/Hotel Guest.
HR = 3-6 days or demotion to LR/Hotel Guest.
Raiding will result in a straight demotion, regardless which Rank they are.
Hosting on Cooldown
LR = N/A
MR = N/A
HR = 1 warning. 3 warnings = 3-4 days suspension.
Failure to unsuspend
MR = N/A
HR = 1 warning. 3 warnings = 4-5 days suspension.
Minor Spamming:
LR = 3-4 days suspension or demotion.
MR = 4-6 days suspension or demotion
HR = 7-8 days suspension or demotion.
Major Spamming:
LR = Demotion & pban, or 9-10 days suspension.
MR = Demotion & pban, or 12-14 days suspension with demotion to LR.
HR = Demotion & pban, or 16-20 days with demotion to LR.
Repeated Major spamming, regardless if it’s during the suspension or not, does result in a Demotion & pban.
LR = 1 Warning - then 4-6 days suspension.
MR = 1 Warning - then 4-8 days suspension.
HR = 1 Warning - then 4-9 days suspension, or Demotion.
Once the Suspect is being caught DM-Advertising again, they are to be demoted!
DM-Advertising at least 3 times will result in a server ban.
Usage of Personal Information
- Repeated spreading of staff related things at public channels!
Spreading staff related things:
LR = 1 warning - then 5 days suspension.
MR= 1 warning - then 6 days suspension.
HR = 1 warning - then 7 days suspension.
Spreading Personal Information:
LR = 4-6 days suspension.
MR = 4-8 days suspension, or demotion to LR with 2-3 days suspension.
HR = 4-8 days suspension, with demotion to LR.
Invalid Pinging
LR = 1 Warning - then 3-4 days suspension.
MR = 1 Warning - then 3-6 days suspension.
HR = 1 Warning - then 3-7 days suspension.
LR = N/A (Won’t get Reformed/Don’t have commands)
MR = Demotion to HG, or 5-7 days suspension.
HR = Demotion to HG, or 6-9 days suspension.
Once you have been caught AFK-farming and got suspended because of it, you won’t be able to receive a promotion at the month you have been suspended at!
Repeated AFK - Farming (Being suspended twice for AFK-farming) will result in a Demotion.
Once someone reaches 3 suspensions, they are to be demoted to HG!
If you wish to appeal for your suspension open a ticket in #bot-commands.
A SHR will review your suspension and the proof and will decide whether to unsuspend or keep your suspension. If a SHR does not unsuspend you please do not argue with them as it will result in a longer suspension or a different consequence.
If you have any questions or concerns with this guide please make a ticket in our discord server with your concern!
Leaving on suspension:
If you leave the group and or join back while you are suspended you will be immediately fired and possibly blacklisted.
Written BastiLPer for Canopy Hotels.
All rights served are given to BastiLPer & BastiLPer#7010.