Canopy Hotels - Staff Guidelines

Within Canopy Hotels, you are to follow the Community guidelines, and the Staff guidelines stated below. Failure to follow the Staff guidelines will result in a Moderation being taken against you with the possibility of you being suspended or demoted.

Trainees are not getting suspended, they are to be demoted!

LR’s - SHR’s are able to get suspended.

[1] Lack of grammar & Unprofessionalism:

Within Canopy Hotels, LR’s - HR’s are required to use grammar, as this is a vital requirement at Canopy Hotels and show’s professionalism. Being unprofessional or having lack of grammar will result in a Moderation being taken against you.

[2] Admin Abuse:

Regardless if it’s minor or major Admin Abuse, it’s strictly forbidden to use commands for no reason. Use your commands wisely, as Admin Abuse will result in a moderation being taken against you with the possibility of you being demoted.

Minor Admin Abuse:

  • Viewing with no reason / Spying on Staff.

  • Giving False Warnings towards staff or player’s.

  • Repeated use of the “:to” command when it wasn’t needed.

  • Invalid use of the “:m” or “:h” command.

  • Using “:Afk (player)” on Hotel Guest’s, or Staff Member’s when they are not AFK.

Major Admin Abuse:

  • Kicking for no reason.

  • Banning for no reason.

  • Free Ranking.

  • Repeated respawning of player’s.

  • Usage of “:tp all me”/ “:bring all me”.

[3] Respect:

Regardless if it’s an event, an alliance visit, or at the hotel, you always need to show respect to your fellow Members. That’s a basic standard, so treat everyone with the same respect you want to be treated.

[4] Drama:

If you have been demoted, suspended or a moderation was being taken against you, don’t start fighting and complain about it. Respect the decision and may ask someone about it, but don’t start Drama and fight with the HR team. It’s unnecessary, and it will cause problems for you.

[5] Detain Abuse:

Security and MR’s are having the Detain Tool in their inventory. Use it wisely, as abusing the Detain Tool will be handled with strict consequences.

[6] Raiding:

Raiding groups, forming a Raid here at Canopy Hotels and similar is not allowed. Seeing you raiding or being part of a raid group will result in strict consequences, as it’s unneeded and against everyone’s guidelines. So, be the better one and leave raiding besides.

[7] Demotions / Suspension / Moderation:

If you have been demoted, suspended or a moderation was being taken against you, you are to refrain from talking about it in public. Moderation is going to stay at the staff area, not the public channels. For HR’s & SHR’s: You are to unsuspend a player on the day the suspension reaches the deadline. Forgetting about it and letting the player remain suspended is not tolerated, and will result in a moderation being taken against you.

[8] Resignation:

Once you decide to resign from your position, you have the ability to appeal it within 24 hours. Afterwards, you can’t get your rank back and will have to re-apply once you want to start working at Canopy Hotels again.

[9] Gamepass Usage:

Once you use a gamepass, you can’t use it again. Regardless if you were suspended, demoted, left the group or resigned, you are not allowed to use the gamepass again. The gamepass just can be used once, and there will be no refund.

If you have questions or concerns about something regarding to the staff guidelines, feel free to get in contact with a HR+ at our Communication Server.

[10] AFK - Farming:

As Canopy Hotels is doing monthly reforms, activity is being asked. As we are having a system to check if someone has been active at the main game or not, it’s easy to AFK-farm. But, having a good activity at the main game does not exclude you from the reforms. Key points to see if you have been active or not is being active at the Discord Server, helping Guests at the group wall or at the Discord Server, Hosting/assisting at Shift’s or Training sessions and a lot of other things. It’s for the Appeals Department (Handling Inactivity, Appeals & Reforms) to deem you as inactive, not the system we are using to check your time at the hotel! If you have been deemed as inactive by them, you’re getting reformed. And regardless if you forgot to use “:Afk me”, or just standing AFK at the lobby or the AFK line, AFK- Farming is strictly forbidden and will be handled with very strict consequences.

Information to become a MR - SHR:

To become part of the MR+ Team of Canopy Hotels, you need to be at least 13 Years old. Due to the age restriction at Discord and the known safe - chat Problem at Roblox, MR+ Member’s must be 13+. These requirements are important, as most of the work will be done at the Discord Server and Hyra. In addition, you need to register at Hyra if you are part of the MR Team, as we use that website for a lot of management and organisation. For LR, it’s free to decide, but not for MR+. If you don’t fill these requirements, you can’t be part of the MR+ Team, or get demoted to HG.

Original Document

Written by BastiLPer for Canopy Hotels.

All rights served are given to BastiLPer & BastiLPer#7010.