Cant acces my roblox groups from the creator hub

as the title says, I cant access the creator hub groups, I own 2 groups and I cant access the games of any of them now, it worked all the time but now no.

I need to know if this is a bug everyone has or just me.

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It’s just you. Try using another browser or clear your browsing history and see if it fixes the issue.

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This is definitely not just you

I had this issue before but it fixed it by itself

I logged in on another browser and it worked, I need to see how to fix it on my main browser now but for now I’ll use it on Firefox, thanks =)

You can try reinstalling it. If it doesn’t work, try flagging it to Roblox staffs by filing a #bug-reports

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Ok, i cleared all the browser cookies and it is fixed now, thanks, it logged out all my accounts but its ok