Can't animate custom rig's body parts

I’ve made a custom rig for my game (I had a normal rig and I added some body parts onto it) and when I open Roblox Animator, press “Add All Body” button, only the non-custom body parts add onto it and they don’t show up there but I can still click and animate them, even their keyframes don’t show up. Moon Animator though doesn’t even let me animate them, is there any way to fix this issue? (Sorry if wrong category, I think this is the best one for my question)

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It might be because roblox doesn’t detect those body parts you added onto it as body parts, the regular roblox body parts are meshparts. Are your custom body parts also meshparts? And do they have the same properties regular body parts have? I’m not an animator but I think this could be the issue.

Some of them are mesh parts, some of them are parts with special meshes. Also what do you mean same properties as regular parts have?

did you rig the extra body parts with the rig? are the parts connected in some way to the original rig? (weld, motor6D)

I meant what @Hazelfluff kinda said.

Yes they are welded using the weld and motor6D only, weld for ones I don’t need to animate and motor6D for ones I need to animate.

are the welds in the right order? (the main part should have the weld in it)

Have you used Motor6D’s? this maybe cause, also does your rig contains all need types such as humanoids or animation controller?