I’ve been trying to award a badge when player clicks on textButton, but something went… wrong. I can’t see any reason why. It, for no visible reason gives out Unable to cast Instance to int64 - Server - ServerHandler:24 error. What could be possible reason to that
Local Script:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocPlr = Players.LocalPlayer
local UID = LocPlr.UserId
local RemoteEvent = game.EssentialsService.Remotes.Extras.AwardBadge
RemoteEvent:FireServer(UID, 4180731781926470)
Server Script (Function only):
local function AwardBadgePlayer(PlayerUserId, BadgeId)
game.BadgeService:AwardBadge(PlayerUserId, BadgeId)
First parameter to any OnServerEvent callback will always be the player that fired the remote. This is automatic.
local badgeS = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local function AwardBadgePlayer(player:Player, userId:number, badgeId:number)
local success, result = pcall(badgeS.AwardBadge, badgeS, player.UserId, badgeId)
if not success then warn(result) end
Just to note this is kind of exploitable especially trusting the client on when to award badges. Consider a redesign.
About exploitability of function, I’m not really planning on adding badges besides “completed the tutorial” as of now so there’s nothing to exploit. The button is just “skip” incase someone will be lazy to complete it. Incase i’ll consider adding more badges, i will redesign function.