Can't change Color of Beams?


Not sure if I’m doing something wrong here but I can’t change the color for any beams, the texture itself is white so its not a black image, so I should be able to change the color but whenever I change the color it automatically resets to what it was previously (0,0,0), its doing the same thing for other beams too. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?

From what I have seen, you’re using a custom texture. You can’t change the color of such textures.

No, this isn’t true. It looks like OP is experiencing a bug. Using a texture shouldn’t cause this.

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at this moment, you can only change the color property via the three dot. Strangely, it also affects ParticleEmitter. I do have theory, it only broke for the Color property that uses ColorSequence instead of Color3. @0REO_GG


That works, thanks - strange how it doesn’t work when you click on the colour wheel.

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I tried that and didn’t worked for me, sadly i can’t make any particle or beam usage with that issue.

Prob roblox bug, i cannot do anything as im only a member