i wrote a script that will create new part every times i click while holding my weapon and the part will be at wanted position, however, every times i tried, the worse it gets, part position doesn’t change to wanted position but it stay at another position which is what i’m not going for
--this is server script by the way
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Position = script.Parent.ShotPart.Position
part.Anchored = true
part.Parent = workspace
This script works perfectly in client script, but not server script
I have a question about wanted position.
Does your script.Parent.ShotPart.Position is the position you want?
also you can just make there Vector3.
Do you change your ShotPart.Position through the client script?
if that’s true then it can be the issue because server doesn’t see any changes from client.
Yes, script.Parent.ShotPart.Position is the position i wanted
You meant part.Position = Vector3.new(script.Parent.ShotPart.Position)? I tried and the part just ends up at 0,0,0 position
I keep the same script and didn’t not change anything, i just move the script into cilent
I meant part.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0) – here you can change your part’s position manually
Do you change your ShotPart.Position through the client script?
And why is your wanted position ShotPart.Position?
It’s a tool so i cannot do that as long as player move away
The last part is pretty confused me, but i think i didn’t do that
It’s where the part get shot from, you can understand the name (i tried to use other part in the tool too, but it ends up just like the same issue
Alright because you equip your weapon from client it means that your position of tool doesn’t change when you move.
Then you should to equip your weapon from serverside.
Also if you have your weapon in replicated storage then make sure to clone it before parenting to character.
tool:Clone().Parent = character