Cant Create New Servers

Cant join games with no people in it or vip servers without people of any game.
Joining a normal server is perfectly fine, it gets stuck in waiting for an available server.


Is this only on a specific game or every game you attempt to join?

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it appears on any other game aswell i’ve tried it on a couple and my friend also has this issue, we either just straight up not join and wait for an available server forever or join after a long while like 40+ tries

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Have you tried all of the basic attempts at resolving the issue such as restarting the application, your device, reconnecting to the internet etc?

Or do you and your friend happen to have an routing related application open that could be affecting network connectivity?

Roblox does not seem to have any issues at the moment.

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i’ve already reconnected the internet and restarted the application a couple times and both me and my friend has the internet provided with a cable so i don’t think network issues could be a problem here.

It would be difficult to determine what may be the issue here…

I would advise you simply join servers with 1~2 players as they will leave eventually as a temporary solution and if any case this issue would be resolved on its own in a day.
(Suspecting if it is a region related issue)

If not, consider messaging a staff member on DevForum so that they could assist you further.


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