Can't disable idle look around animation

The tittle says it all,

I have tried:
Setting the weight of idle animations found in “animate” script to 1 and or 0
Changing the animation ID of the idle animations
Removing the whole sub-array of the idle animations
C+V the “animate” script into StarterCharacterScripts after modifying it
Deleting the “animate” script after the player has spawned and replacing it with the modified one

None of these worked (I am using a custom character, just a normal r15 block rig).

If you copy and paste the default Animate script, you’ll find a number of string values under it, and animation objects inside. Those animation IDs have priority over the ones in the animNames. Animation2 in Idle appears to be that look around animation. Simply delete it, find the same ID in the script, and set it to rbxassetid:// (as blank strings won’t do).


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