Can't Enable Audio To Distribute On Creator Store


I’m attempting to upload audio assets of my voice which I recorded 2 days ago, some of them allowed me to enable distribution, however for this piece in particular it won’t let me or give me any information as to why?

It’s pretty confusing, as I’m ID Verified and well, it’s just my voice I recorded in my booth this week

Another thing I’ve been wondering about is playing uploaded sounds in other games?

After attempting to paste the content ID for the sounds which DID get approved and added to the creator store, those sounds would refuse to play in games aside from my own.
I’m aware of the sound system change in 2022 or so, but does that mean it’s impossible for ANY sound post-2022 to be played in games which are not owned by the sound creator?

Thanks for your time!


Sooo, if your sound is more than 10 seconds long, you can’t distribute it publicly. Idk why. If it is over 10 seconds, then I think thats the problem.

It’s 3 seconds at most :pensive:
I’m really not sure why it’s happening, another voiceline which was another 2 second clip got approved but this one is different for some reason

Hmmmm. Okay. Then I can’t really help you then. :slightly_frowning_face: I’d suggest contacting roblox support. You can still use it in your games though if thats all you need.