Can't enable collision for character parts

Hello, members of devforum! I was making a ragdoll script, and everything works fine except one line of code. It doesn’t enable collision for meshparts inside character.
This is the whole script:

local value ="BoolValue",script.Parent)
value.Name = "IsKnocked"
value.Value = false
	local hum = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	hum.PlatformStand = true
	for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("Motor6D") then
			--v.Part0.CanCollide = true
			--v.Part1.CanCollide = true
			local ball ="BallSocketConstraint",v.Parent)
			ball.TwistLimitsEnabled = false
			ball.TwistLowerAngle = 30
			ball.TwistUpperAngle = 30
			ball.LimitsEnabled = true
			ball.UpperAngle = 25
			local att0 = v.Part0:FindFirstChild("RagAtt") or"Attachment",v.Part0)
			local att1 = v.Part1:FindFirstChild("RagAtt") or"Attachment",v.Part1)
			att0.CFrame = v.C0
			att1.CFrame = v.C1
			ball.Attachment0 = att0
			ball.Attachment1 = att1
			--ball.MaxFrictionTorque = 100
			v.Enabled = false
		elseif v:IsA("MeshPart") then
			if not v:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Accesory") then
				v.CanCollide = true
				print("collided up " .. v.Name)

and this is the part of interest

elseif v:IsA("MeshPart") then
			if not v:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Accesory") then
				v.CanCollide = true
				print("collided up " .. v.Name)

It should turn on collision for every part of character but it doesn’t turn it on. Its not a local script, and is located in starterCharacter
this is the output, showing that it should enable it:

 collided up Head  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.829  collided up LeftHand  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.830  collided up RightHand  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.830  collided up LeftLowerArm  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.830  collided up RightLowerArm  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.830  collided up LeftUpperArm  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.831  collided up RightUpperArm  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.831  collided up LeftFoot  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.831  collided up LeftLowerLeg  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.832  collided up UpperTorso  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.832  collided up LeftUpperLeg  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.832  collided up RightFoot  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.832  collided up RightLowerLeg  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.833  collided up LowerTorso  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.833  collided up RightUpperLeg  -  Server - Ragdoll:30
  15:56:47.833  collided up Handle (x3)

my character basically just enables ragdoll, but parts without collision default(arms and legs) just go through baseplate.
btw, collision group is the issue, because i check the explorer and it shows that it’s collision is off.