Can't figure out how to get CFrame to work

I am trying to spawn an object 1.5 studs in front of a sphere, my code looks like this:

local shareMassPoint = game.ReplicatedStorage.SharedMass:Clone()
			shareMassPoint.Parent = game.Workspace
			shareMassPoint.BrickColor = ball.BrickColor
			local pos = ball.Size.X/2 + dFromBall
			shareMassPoint.CFrame = + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)
			local goal = {}
			local dis = + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)
			goal.CFrame = dis * distance

First I set cloned object’s position to position of the ball + lookVector and away from the ball by size/2 + 1.5. And then I want to set the goal to this but + 5 studs, how would I do it?

local dis = + CameraLookVector.X + 1.5 ,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)

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Thanks, I tried it but I still get the error on line 23 (goal.CFrame = dis * distance), Vector 3 expected got number

You can add CFrames to each other. Using the * operator you can subtract / add two CFrames.


part1.CFrame = part2.CFrame *, 0, 0) -- positions part1 5 studs away from part2 on part2's local X axis
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Does dis or distance = 0? If so then 0 times a number is 0, which may affect your calculations.

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dis = + CameraLookVector.X + 1.5 ,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)
distance = 5
dFromBall = 1.5

Thanks, I know about that but the problem is that I don’t know the axis. The axis is a combination of the position of the ball and the lookVector.

refer to this article for a better understanding of cframes:

tl;dr, use this code snippent:

local sphere = game.Workspace.Part --change this
local spawnedpart
change this to whatever you need for the clone part to be set. set your cloned part to the spawnedpart var tho!

spawnedpart.CFrame = sphere.CFrame *, 0, 0)

(i tested the code in studio btw)

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Thanks, but again it will change the value on 1 set axis. I want to edit my code to add it to the axis that is calculated with the position and the lookVector. To be more specific I want it to be like that:

ball.Position + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos

The (* pos) part to be switched for * distance. I tried it in this part:

goal.CFrame = dis * distance

But it doesn’t work, I guess you have to make the code look something like here).

oh. well in that case, i will re-read the post and provide a follow-up, thanks for the clarification.

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I just tried doing this:

goal.CFrame = * distance)

But it goes to 0,0,0, when I printed “” and “ * distance)” they both returned 0,0,0 for some reason?

And here is the whole script just for more info.

-- editable --
local distance = 5
local dFromBall = 1.5
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.shareMassRequest

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, CameraLookVector)
	local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	if char then
		local ball = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Ball")
		local ballMass = ball:FindFirstChild("Mass").Value
		if ballMass > 10 then	
			local shareMassPoint = game.ReplicatedStorage.SharedMass:Clone()
			shareMassPoint.Parent = game.Workspace
			shareMassPoint.BrickColor = ball.BrickColor
			local pos = ball.Size.X/2 + dFromBall
			shareMassPoint.CFrame = + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)
			local goal = {}
			local dis = + CameraLookVector.X + 1.5 ,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)

			goal.CFrame = * distance)

			local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)
			local tween = TweenService:Create(shareMassPoint, tweenInfo, goal)


is this how you intend for it to appear as? (pretend the decal presented is the lookvector)

if so: heres the code that i used:

local part = script.Parent
local clonedobject = game.Workspace.socialcredit
clonedobject.Anchored = true
clonedobject.CFrame = part.CFrame
local pos = part.Size.X/2 + 5

clonedobject.CFrame = part.CFrame * + 1.5, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)

if not, reply with a follow-up

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It is not quite what I am looking for, I got the spawn position sorted out:

local pos = ball.Size.X/2 + dFromBall
shareMassPoint.CFrame = + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)

What I am trying to do now is get the goal for tweenSerivce, which should be just the clonedObject moved by 5 studs in the direction it got spawned so the calculation of combined ball position and lookVector (which I already have, it’s the code above)

This is what I tried to do:

local dis = + CameraLookVector.X + 1.5 ,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * pos)
goal.CFrame = * distance)

dis: CFrame of the clonedObject
distance: 5

I tried moving it by 5 studs using CFrame towards the direction it got spawned in, but it returns 0,0,0.
(I am new to CFrame’s, I tried what I could but it didn’t work out)

Hope it gives more information of what I want to achieve. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, not quite sure what you are trying to achieve. is it simply adding 5 more studs away?

goal.CFrame = + CameraLookVector.X,0,CameraLookVector.Z) * (pos+distance))

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That’s exactly it, thank you so much! Works perfectly, I just had to play around a bit with:

local pos = ball.Size.X/2 + dFromBall

Because it seems to go a bit too far.