I dont know exactly what you mean by Replicated, like is the Parts not loading properly? are they not appearing?
Not replicated means that the client hasn’t downloaded everything in the workspace basically.
Some parts does not exist on the client-side when I run my client-side script to loop through the folder.
Not every part inside the folder has been downloaded by the client.
Strange, Everything seems to load properly for me and when im testing, Are you sure this isnt a Studio error or a Software error?
This only happens in a live server, I have yet to experience this issue in a local server via studio.
Can you just have a wait() delay either time or wait for player ? Would that give enough time for everything to load?
i added to my script
if game:IsLoaded() then
-- Code Here
Nope, doesn’t work.
Tried already. Not working.
Does not work, tried before posting here.
Some parts are still missing.
This should work (put it in replicatedfirst):
local conetentProvider = game:GetService('ContentProvider')
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
local assests = game:GetDescendants()
for i = 1, #assests do
local asset = assests[i]
And you are certain about that?
How can you be so sure that everything has been downloaded when calling game:GetDescendants
I am certain about that because I looked up stuff in the roblox documentation
Roblox Creator Documentation
Gets the children of a certain Item, Correct?
This is a bit unusual for me since i dont have this issue of Instances not loading
What does it say?
30lt bypass2345444
no… its not just the children of a certain instance
from what i understand, it gets the items descending from an Instance
it gets all instances that descend from the instance, yes
Did not work, 2 parts are still invisible. It has always been 2 parts.
which 2? Maybe you have a plug-in that is making it so your studio doesn’t function correctly
technically you could just add a wait until those instances are not nill
No it’s not a plugin, I don’t know why this happens. I have like 30 parts, and only those 2 refuse to “exist”.