Can't find a reliable way to know when workspace has loaded in for the player

I want a reliable way to tell if the entire workspace has been replicated to the client, but I can’t find any.
Any tips?

What exactly do you mean? Find all Parts inside the workspace or if the game has loaded?

I’m running a script client-side for certain ranks so they don’t have to find a specific path like regular players need to.

But some parts are still invisible when running the script, so I need a way to wait for everything in the workspace…

maybe this function?

if not game:IsLoaded() then

usually waits until the game has loaded

Does not work, doesn’t wait for workspace…

What if I send an event from the server with the folder with the parts are inside, everything in the folder existed for the server when sending it, but does it send every children in the folder to the client too?

Can you explain this? I have no idea what youre trying to do, nor are you providing any screenshots or videos.

I said it already, so listen:
I am looping through a folder that has parts inside it (on the client-side).
Some parts are still invisible to me when I join.
I set the transparency to 0 for every part in the script.

for _,v in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
    v.Transparency = 0

Yet some are still inside, but they are in the folder, so that means the localscript didn’t find everything in the folder.

Assuming all the items inside the folder are parts, maybe try this?

for _,Parts in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
	if Parts:IsA("Part") then
		Parts.Transparency = 0

What? No, you don’t get it do you?
Everything inside is already a part, no need to check…

This applies to anything that is a part. it looks for all parts inside the folder and returns if the item IsA part.

Yes but IT IS a part already.
EVERYTHING inside is a part.

Im just trying to help

even tho everything inside is a part, it still checks for the parts so it knows what to apply

How can it know what it is if it DOESN’T EXIST on the client when the script runs?
I don’t want to explain over and over. Please understand already.

Arguing with me wont make me understand anything, right you are being rude to me and im just trying to help you

You don’t understand what I’m saying, of course I’m lost when you say something that is not related to the issue.

pretty sure we are talking about this

Question: Where is your script located?

Yup, I just thought you had a solution to my issue, but instead you added an if statement to something that doesn’t exist on the client-side yet when it’s being ran.

Try putting this script into StarterCharacterScript,

for _, Part in pairs(workspace.Folder:GetChildren()) do -- Gets Children
	if Part:IsA("Part") then -- Checks if the item is a Part before applying
		Part.Transparency = 0

This is a LocalScript

Some parts haven’t been replicated yet. Which is still my main issue.