Please someone help me… I was making a script for me 1-2 days, when suddenly it stopped working. It just didn’t work. I decided to save the file and restart the studio. After restarting, my script JUST DISAPPEARED… It’s not there. I went to autosave and there is nothing there either. Only for 2019-2020 lol… I have autosave enabled every 5 minutes, what should I do now?..
All right, I don’t see a way out how to just re-write ~150 lines of code from memory, let’s go guys, only positive =)))) [I will write in how long I will finish]
Thank you to those who tried to help me
So, I would say that I was lucky. I’m surprised that I rewrote everything so quickly. Only the local script disappeared from me (the rest of the scripts, such as server and modular ones, remained), so I took its template from my other projects (this is a script for a sword), and then from memory I remade it for my previous version.
If you have the same problem, then I’m sorry, I didn’t find any other way out than to simply rewrite the code. For the future, please, if your script stops working as my case, and it does not write the value print(123) even in the first line, first copy this code and save it to a text file, and only then restart the studio. I wish you all good nerves and good luck!!
If you have published or saved the place your script was in, then you should try looking into your place’s version history and revert to a save.
It’s on this page :
This happened to me, but not for a 1-2 days work but 14! My whole game scripts were somehow gone!!
Anyway, I went to my game Roblox page, clicked on the three dots then configure this place
From there clicked on Version History and reverted to an older version and the problem is now gone.