Can't find IgnoreGuiInset

i can’t find IgnoreGuiInset for my game, and i tried a script:

game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.IgnoreGuiInset = true

and i tried UDim2, Boolean, Vector2 but nothing

You are changing a value of the StarterGui object which is not the correct one, you have to change a value of a GUI located inside the Playergui folder.

Try this:

For a LocalScript:

game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.IngnoreGuiInset = true

For a Script:

    player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.IngnoreGuiInset = true

You can also set the property IngoreGuiInset by default selecting the ScreenGui in the StarterGui and checking the box called IngnoreGuiInset.

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this is the problem i don’t have

Where are you checking the properties? ScreenGuis always have IgnoreGuiInset


ahhhh know i don’t have IgnoreGuiInset in properties

Could you show us a picture of the properties you’re trying to check?

wait lets me update roblox studio

This is the box you need to check.

updating roblox studio worked

thanks to all for responding! i appreciate it