Cant find player character Billboard Gui

im trying to make VIP only gui that can hide VIP billboard Gui" topic!

im trying to find the owner and the VIP Gui so the player can hide it can someone?

Would you not need to use FindFirstChild for this to select the VIP UI?

Example code:

	local UwU = player.Character:WaitForChild("VIP")
	if UwU == nil then
		local VIP = player.Character:FindFirstChild("VIP")
		UwU.Enabled = false


If this is in a Server Script, there’s no parameters for the MouseButton1Click Event which is resulting in a nil value

Instead, change it to a Local Script and define the player by using local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer that way

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Yes like what @JackscarIitt said you should be doing this in a local script and then if you need to do some things on the server just fire an event from the client to the server with the data of the username.