Step 2: Set the ImageRectOffset to 0, 173 and set the ImageRectSize to 16, 16.
Step 3: Set the size of the image to {0, 16},{0, 16}.
Step 4: Profit?
If you want to make more of these icons, refer to the following file:
(roblox file location)\ExtraContent\LuaPackages\Packages_Index\UIBlox\UIBlox\App\ImageSet\GetImageSetData.lua
Look for an icon (eg. icons/status/player/videostar) by searching with your text editor/code editor, grab the ImageRectOffset and ImageRectSize, the path of the image sheet, and paste them in their proper location. Edit the above example in case you want to experiment. ImageRectOffset and ImageRectSize are different for each image. It’s also recommended to make the image the size of the ImageRectSize, so that the image does not appear blurry or pixelated.
I think all of you might find this useful instead of having to manually change the file path to ImageSets you can use something like this (Automatically updates, you won’t ever have to fix it again)
local GetImageSetDataUrl = "https"
.. "://" -- You can avoid concatenating ("..") in your code, it's just to make devforum let me post this
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
--HttpService.HttpEnabled = true -- This can be removed if you've enabled HttpRequests in Settings for the Game
local ok, result = pcall(HttpService.GetAsync, HttpService, GetImageSetDataUrl)
if ok then
local GetImageSetData = loadstring(result)()
local scale = 3 -- GuiService:GetResolutionScale() can't be used, don't know any other methods to get Scale
local Images = GetImageSetData(scale)
Admin = Images["icons/status/player/admin"],
Intern = Images["icons/status/player/intern"],
Star = Images["icons/status/player/videostar"],
print(SPECIAL_PLAYER_ICONS) -- You can get icons for anything else this way too, just take a look at image paths (["icons/status/player/videostar" for example) that CoreScripts use