Cant find this in a script

Hi there i was looking in the dev console and then i saw that there is something trying to do a purchase prompt i have looked for it in scripts and found nothing any ideas? as far as im aware i dont have free models in my game

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on game settings, enable ThirdPartySales

why if it is not coming from my group

any ideas how to find this at all

This is probably a type of virus/malicious script. Check all your game scripts for any suspicious code and try disabling all your plugins, Then check the console again.

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so i think i know what it is now

try ctrl + shift + f then find 10284699

i have no clue where this is though


or try ctrl+shift+f and “MarketplaceService” or try something that relate to marketplaceservice such as local

oh my god thank you so much i think i may have found it

hey i thought i removed the issue seems as it is still there

its a script called Gek i have no clue how to find it

Check your plugins, see if there’s any fake ones. If that doesn’t work, I would recommend moving to a different game.

That’s probably a plugin then.

alright shall i delete all the plugins

Don’t do that, just check their creators using Manage Plugins.
You can also click the creator’s name to go to their profile.

ok i may have found the problem is Building tools who is it made by?

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GigsD4X. Make SURE it’s not a group and it’s a player.

ughhh its still here this is quite frustrating

If the script keeps reappearing in your project, then you definitely have a backdoor plugin installed. Try disabling each plugin you own one-by-one, testing each time to find which plugin is the culprit. And to prevent issues like this from occurring again, make sure you’re only using plugins from reputable developers.