My Issue:
I’m making a spawner and Im storing some important information for the model such as if its available and who currently spawned in the item. My issue is that when I try to set the string value to the player’s name, it gives me this error:
Anyone got any ideas?
Heres my code:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Storage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('SpawnBus')
local function SpawnBus(player, Bus)
local Folder = Storage:WaitForChild('Buses')
local b = Folder[Bus]:Clone()
b.Parent = workspace
ReplicatedStorage.Buses[Bus].Value = player
ReplicatedStorage.Buses[Bus].IsAvailable.Value = false
And yes, when i’ve done
It prints out my username, so im not sure what I should do.