What do you not understand? The code ? Or the part where exploiters can access anything on the client and therefore purchases should be validated by the server?
I’ll explain the code,
local remote = --your remote
--these are your dependencies of the client script,
--you're supposed to put a reference to a Remote Event here,
--eg: local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.PurchaseRemote
--this is the call that will trigger validation on the server for the purchase, of the tool with the given name.
remote:FireServer "nameofitemyouwanttobuy"
--this is supposed to go inside of a button handler, eg:
--remote:FireServer "yourtoolname"
Now we go to the other side of the network, the server:
--These are the dependencies of the server, a reference to replicated storage,
--and a reference to your remote, refer to the client script as to what should go there.
local replicated_storage = game:GetService "ReplicatedStorage"
local remote = --your remote
--this is the function that will handle the incoming request from the client
--it accepts a parameter called 'plr', expected to be of type 'Player' as shown by the type annotation.
--it also accepts a parameter called 'tool_name', expected to be of type 'string', again, the type annotation shows this.
remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr: Player, tool_name: string)
--this is a type check, to secure this remote from exploiters that pass objects of invalid type to remotes to error the server,
--and have it possibly do complex computations to slow it down.
--it checks if the data provided by the client is of the expected type.
if typeof(tool_name) ~= "string" then return end
--if it isn't, the request is not handled.
--the player argument doesn't need to be checked, because it is provided by Roblox, not the client.
--this fetches an instance from replicated storage, with the provided name.
--This is because from your code, it seems like your tool is stored there.
--if not, replace with the actual location of your tool
local tool = replicated_storage:FindFirstChild(tool_name)
--it then assigns the result to the variable called 'tool'
--it proceeds to check if the tool exists, and returns early if it doesn't
if not tool then return end
--it gets the pound NumberValue from the player, from your previous code, that seems to be how you handle money.
local pounds = plr.Cash.Pounds--we can assume this always exists, so no check
--it is assigned to 'pounds'
--this checks if the player has enough money to complete the purchase.
--if they don't, the function returns early.
if pounds.Value < then return end
--replace the empty space with your price, you might put those in an array like so:
local prices = {
["Shiv"] = 30
--and then retrieve the price like so
--if pounds.Value < prices[tool_name] then return end
--if we haven't returned at this point, we know the player has enough money, and the tool exists.
--so we subtract the price of the player's current pounds using -= which is minus equals or short for x = x - y
--replace the empty space with your actual price,
pounds.Value -=
--you might retrieve it like so:
--pounds.Value -= prices[tool_name]
--finally, it clones the tool we previously found and assigned to 'tool', and it puts it in the player's backpack.
tool:Clone().Parent = plr.BackPack
--the purchase has been completed.
hope this helps!