Can't get MeshPart from ReplicatedStorage


I have a problem with ReplicatedStorage. I am storing a bunch of MeshParts but whenever I try to access them they just show up as nil.

Here is my code:

local module = {}

local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local numbers = rep:WaitForChild("Numbers"):GetChildren()

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function module.charToMeshPart(char)
	local ascii = string.byte(char)
	local thing = numbers["ASCII"..tostring(ascii)] or numbers["ERR"]
	if not thing then
		warn("No mesh found")
		warn("NAME: ".."ASCII"..tostring(ascii))
	return thing

and this is my “structure”:


and here are my logs:

I thought that MeshParts were not replicated for a minute but I couldn’t find anything on Google or the documentation about it. Please help.

EDIT: I checked and the length of the numbers array is 11.

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local numbers = rep:WaitForChild(“Numbers”):GetChildren()

numbers becomes a table



You attempt to access numbers as though it was a dictionary.

Try removing GetChildren() when defining numbers, as well as switching from numbers[“… to numbers:FindFirstChild(”…, and see if it resolves your issue

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Hi, thanks for trying lol

I tried changing the code to use FindFirstChild and WaitForChild with a 5 second timeout, yet the same thing happens for some of the MeshParts.


New Code

local module = {}

local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local numbers = rep:WaitForChild("Numbers")

function module.charToMeshPart(char)
	local ascii = string.byte(char)
	local thing = numbers:WaitForChild("ASCII"..tostring(ascii), 5) or numbers:FindFirstChild("ERR")
	if not thing then
		warn("No mesh found")
		warn("NAME: ".."ASCII"..tostring(ascii))
	return thing

I just found the issue.

Turns out in another part of the script I was calling that function and then using that result and parenting it somewhere else instead of cloning it first, so the next time it was accessed it wasn’t there.

Sorry! lol

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