I’m able to get hats/clothing/animations/plugins etc. from my inventory, but for some reason I cannot get any gamepasses I own/created.
I’ve used multiple codes (34, 42, 23) which probably relate to gamepasses, because for whatever reason every docs page on the subject shows a different AssetTypeId for gamepasses. None of them work. I’ve even tried changing the ID one by one just to see if I could find the fabled hidden gamepass AssetTypeId, but no luck.
How do games like Pls Donate automatically get all user created gamepasses?
I inspected my network traffic for this, it isn’t properly documented anywhere but this endpoint should work:
Replace {USER_ID} with your user ID.
The URL for the web request for for your inventory for example, would be https://www.roblox.com/users/inventory/list-json?assetTypeId=34&cursor=&itemsPerPage=100&pageNumber=1&userId=416036787
It’s a bit messy but once you JSON decode it, it should be a much nicer format to read from.