Cant load homepage of the create hub


loads for a moment tho it doesn’t show any games

Expected behavior

Website loads normally with no issues

Page URL: <anywhere on>

A private message is associated with this bug report

It looks the same for me. I can’t see the developer products of my game due to this and I’ve been waiting since yesterday for it to get fixed.

Thanks for the report.

We were able to identify the change that cased the issue and have rolled it back while we work on debugging the issue.

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ill leave the bug report unsolved until u find a fix if u want to

Also while trying to find a fix I found out it might be a conflict with the BTRoblox extension tho I’m not sure if any other extensions are affected by it as I just disabled the rest of them until u rolled it back

Thanks for the extra info.

Feel free to resolve the bug as we are tracking it internally as well.